Best Speech on The Impact of Technology in Society in English

 Best Essay on the impact of Technology in Society

I'm in the [5th grade] and my name is [Your Name]. I want to discuss technology with you today and how it affects society.

Let's start by considering how technology has altered how we communicate. Social media, email, and messaging apps allow us to communicate with our friends and family wherever they may be. We have never felt more connected to the world as we do now as a result of this.

But technology has also altered how we communicate with one another. When we converse more frequently online than in person, it can reduce our face-to-face contacts and weaken our social abilities. We must strike a balance between using technology to stay in touch and setting out time for meaningful face-to-face encounters.

Let's next consider how technology has changed how we do our jobs. Now that the gig economy and flexible work schedules are more prevalent, anyone can work from anywhere at any time. Although it allows us greater control over our schedules, this may also make it more difficult to unwind and unwind.

Additionally, technology has altered how we conduct business. Companies can now reach clients more easily and run their businesses more efficiently thanks to online purchasing and automation. As a result, production and efficiency have increased, but certain industries have seen job losses as robots and algorithms take over work that were previously performed by people. Making ensuring that everyone enjoys the benefits of technology and investing in training and education will help people adjust to a changing labour market.

We can now access information and knowledge on a scale that we were never able to previously because to technology. We may learn about any subject, find others who share our interests, and have a discussion about the topics that are important to us with just a few clicks. As a result, knowledge has become more accessible and people are more socially conscious.

Let's see The Positive Impact of Technology on Society

The impact of technology on daily life. Since technology permeates every aspect of our lives, we frequently take it for granted and aren't aware of how much it affects us until we suddenly lose access to things like the telephone, transportation, water, or electricity. Our standard of living has significantly improved thanks to technological advancements. People are typically eating better, dressing better, and actually leading more pleasant lives, despite the fact that we are currently suffering very high inflation rates and very high unemployment rates.

The essential elements of all of our cultures, such as laws and the way they are applied, language, art, healthcare, mobility, education, and religion, are also greatly impacted by technology. For instance, thanks to significant technological advancements in the medical field, doctors can now treat their patients virtually through the use of tools like video conferencing. This has had a significant positive impact on the legal system as it enables judges to continue hearing the cases of serious offenders who are unable to enter courtrooms for security reasons.

Let's see The Negative Impact of Technology on Society

Creative destruction happens as a result of every technological breakthrough. For instance, television has a negative impact on movies, and synthetic fibres have a negative impact on cotton fibres. Sometimes the introduction of new technologies has a detrimental effect on economic growth; for example, a man may spend all of his waking hours watching television. Each new technology that enters the market comes with long-term effects that are frequently unpredictable. Is it truly necessary for countries to develop bombs, nuclear weapons, and missiles in order to maintain security, for example?


Although we can't truly deny that technology has a variety of negative effects on our society, for the most part, it has substantially improved our quality of life. Our ability to be more productive has considerably increased thanks to technology. Additionally, it has really aided us in our ability to save on a variety of resources, including time and money. These are excellent advantages that should not be disregarded. By transforming the world into a global village, technology has also been successful in bringing people together and enabling them to more easily cross cultural, racial, and continental barriers.

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Md Ashraf

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