Write a Letter to Hostel Warden to Change my Hostel Room

Write a Letter to Hostel Warden to  Change my Hostel Room

Would you like to request a different hostel room? To ask for a shift in the hostel room with justification, use the sample letters, applications, and email templates we've provided. If you need a special letter written for you, do let us know in the comments section.

Change My Hostel Room for Medical Reasons

Name of the Warden,

Hostel Name, 

Address, City

sub: Requesting a Room Change Due to Medical Reasons

Distinguished Hostel Warden/Name, 

I respectfully request that you move my hostel room number 5, which is on the first level, as I have a very difficult time utilizing the stairs. I can't use stairs because I have (insert any other medical condition here) and (issue with one of my legs).

Give me a room on the ground floor, please. According to what I know, there is room in room number seven.

You have my gratitude.

sincere thanks,

Name and other information

Change of Hostel Room Because of Problems/Noise

Warden Name,

Hostel Name,

Address, City

Subject: Change of Noisy Room Request

Distinguished Hostel Warden/Name,

My hostel room is constantly noisy since a workshop area is next to it. I need my room changed right away because I can't read or sleep in a noisy environment.

I beg you to at least immediately switch my room. I won't be able to study for the examinations in this room because they won't start for a few days.

You have my gratitude for your prompt assistance.

sincere thanks

Name and other information

Change of Hostel due to Roommates

Warden Name,

Hostel Name,

Address, City

Sub: Requesting a Room Change Because of Roommates

Distinguished Hostel Warden/Name,

The way my flatmate treats me is not at all good. I am finding it really challenging to stay in the room as a result. Neither his speech quality nor his behavior have ever changed. I feel uneasy because I believe a fight could break out at any moment.

Please alter my room right away in light of the current circumstances so that I can focus on my studies and feel at ease.

You have my gratitude for your prompt assistance.

sincere thanks

Name and other information

Read More:

1.Write a letter to Dean to  change my Class Section.

Md Ashraf

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