Anchoring Script for Debate Competition in English

Anchoring Script for Debate Competition in English


"Hello and pleasant evening/morning/day to everyone! Your host for the debate tournament today/tonight is [your name]. All of you are cordially invited to the event. We feel extremely pleased to have our esteemed principal, Mr. or Mrs. [name], key guests, esteemed instructors, esteemed parents, and of course, all the participants and beloved pupils, among us. I'm so happy you're all here with us today or tonight, and I invite you to watch and take in the show.

We have [number of students; for example, twelve] smart students with us today/tonight who will participate in the debate competition and express their opinions on the subject matter. It will be interesting to observe the arguments for and against the subject that will be made.

Presenting the Judges

An anchor should respectfully introduce the judges before summoning the contestants to the stage. 

"I'd like to first introduce the panel of judges for today's/tonight's competition before I summon the contestants to the stage. Honourable Mr./Ms. [name] and Mr./Ms. [name] are present, and they will judge the participants today based on the substance and style of their arguments. Let's give our judges a hearty round of applause. I'm grateful.

Defining the Competition's Rules

There will be some guidelines for each debating competition. These guidelines could vary depending on the competition. These guidelines should be announced by an anchor before the competition starts. 

"Also, before we begin, allow me to read the competition's rules. 

Speeches shouldn't last longer than six minutes or less than four minutes. Every fifteen seconds over or under the allotted time will result in a loss of one point. 

It is forbidden to use language in this competition that could be taken as defamatory, derogatory, or encouraging gender, cultural, or racial stereotypes. 

During the time for reply, no further persuasive arguments may be made. 

The judges' judgement will be final and must be abided by.

I hope everyone who takes part will follow the regulations.

Description of the Participants

“Now, l think we are all ready for the beginning of this competition. So, let me call on stage our first speaker for the day/ night, from [class number], Mr/ Ms [name]. Please put your hands together and give him/ her a huge round of applause.”

After a participant finishes their part, the anchor needs to call the next participant on the stage. 

“Thank you, Mr/ Ms [name]. That was wonderful. You performed really well. Please take your seat. Now, I would like to call the next speaker, Mr/ Ms [name], on the stage. Please give him/ her a huge round of applause.”

The Principal is called to the stage

The anchor may ask the principal to address the audience after all of the performers have finished and returned to their seats. 

"That debate was excellent. Everybody performed extremely brilliantly. I am so grateful that I had the opportunity to see such an amazing event. I want to express my deep gratitude to Mr. or Mrs. [name] for supporting us and granting us permission to hold this tournament. If our esteemed Principal Sir or Ma'am could take the stage and speak a few words, I would be incredibly thankful. I'm grateful.

The anchor should thank them and then allow them to return to their seats after the principal has finished speaking. 

Thank you very much, Sir/Ma'am, for your nice words. Please give him/her a thunderous round of applause, audience. I appreciate it, Sir/Ma'am.

Publish the Results

To reveal the list of winners, the anchor may invite the judges to the stage. 

"I had a great time competing today/tonight. Each participant was well-prepared and did a good job articulating their points. Even though everyone performed admirably, we still need to know who our judges thought was the best. Who took home the prize? I'd like to now bring our esteemed judges Mr./Ms. [name] and Mr./Ms. [name] to the stage to present the debate competition's winners. Applause would be appreciated as we welcome the judges.

Following the winners' announcement by the judges:

"I'm grateful, judges. Please join me in extending a hearty round of applause to the victors.

Distribution of Prizes

"Now, I'd like to officially welcome our distinguished chief guest, Mr. or Ms. [name], to the stage to present the prizes to the victors of the debate competition this evening/today. The winners from [class number], Mr./Ms. [names], please come to the stage to accept their prizes. Give these accomplishers a hearty round of applause. They and their families deserve the utmost congratulations. They excelled today and/or tonight.

Event concludes

The program should come to a conclusion when the prizes have been awarded and everyone has been thanked. 

Thank you so much for distributing the gifts, Mr. or Ms. [name], our special guest. I appreciate it, Sir/Ma'am. I also want to let the participants know that regardless of whether you took home an award or not, you all did a wonderful job and are all winners in your own right. I appreciate your outstanding performance. Can we give everyone who took part a round of applause? Yes.”

"And with that, it is time to bid you all farewell. We appreciate your support in making this event a success by coming. I appreciate your time, inspiration, and assistance. I want to express my gratitude to our Principal and our main guests for taking time out of their hectic schedules to attend this occasion. I greatly appreciate it. Additionally, a big thank you to all the staff members who helped us coordinate everything and made this event possible!

Thank you all very much! Enjoy your night.

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Md Ashraf

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