write a letter to Dean to change my class section

Write a letter to Dean to change my Class Section

Here given  two way how to write a letter to Dean to change my Class Section

Dear Dean,

I am writing to request a change in my class section for the upcoming academic year. As you know, I am a student in the Bachelor of Arts program and have been assigned to Section A. Unfortunately, my current schedule does not allow me enough time to work on my blog writing projects.

I would like to switch to Section B as it will give me more flexibility during the day and provide me with additional time for my blog writing projects. I believe that this change will not only benefit me but also my peers as I will be able to contribute more actively in discussions and workshops. Additionally, I am confident that I can make up any work missed due to the switch.

I understand that this request may be hard to fulfill and appreciate your consideration. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any further information or clarification on this matter.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


2nd ways How to write a letter to Dean to change my Class Section

Dear Dean,

I am writing to request a change in my class section. I am currently enrolled in the English 101 class with Professor Smith, but I believe I would be better suited for the section taught by Professor Johnson.

I have been passionate about writing for many years, and I believe that Professor Johnson's course would provide me with a much more comprehensive understanding of the craft. He has an extensive background in creative and blog writing, which is an area of study that particularly interests me. His classes are known for their engaging and interactive approach to learning, which I feel would be beneficial for my own personal growth as a writer.

I understand that this is an unusual request and that it may not be possible to accommodate me, but given the circumstances I thought it was worth asking. If it is possible to switch sections, I am willing to do whatever is necessary to make it happen.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Md Ashraf

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