Anchoring Script for Kindergarten Annual function in English

 Anchoring Script for Kindergarten Annual function in English 

Welcome to the biggest event of the year! It's time for the Kindergarten Annual Function, where our little ones will showcase their talents and dazzle us with their performances. We know you're excited to be here, but don't worry if you're feeling a bit overwhelmed - we've got you covered! In this blog post, we'll provide you with an Anchoring Script that will guide you through every moment of this delightful event. So sit back, relax and get ready to be amazed by these tiny tots as they steal your hearts away!

Introduction to the Annual Function

The annual function is an event where the kindergarten students get to showcase their talents in front of their families and friends. It is also a time for the teachers to share what the students have been learning throughout the year. The annual function gives everyone a chance to come together and celebrate the achievements of the kindergarten students.

Opening Remarks

Today is a very special day. We have all gathered here to celebrate the kindergarten annual function. First of all, I would like to welcome all the parents and guardians who have come to attend the function. I would also like to thank the teachers and staff for their hard work in organizing the event.

The kindergarten annual function is a time for us to come together and celebrate the achievements of our students. It is also a time for us to reflect on the year that has passed and look forward to the future. I am sure that everyone here will enjoy the program that has been prepared for today.

Thank you all for being here today. I hope you have a wonderful time.

Overview of the Day’s Events

The event will begin with a procession of the kindergarten students, who will be carrying banners and flags. They will be followed by the school band. The chief guest for the event will then declare the function open, after which there will be a variety of performances by the students. These will include singing, dancing, and skits. There will also be a few inter-school competitions, in which the students will participate. The day will end with a prize distribution ceremony, in which the winners of the competitions will be awarded trophies and certificates.

Welcome Address by Host

Hello everyone! It's great to see all of you here today. I'm the host for this year's annual function, and I'll be giving the welcome address.

First off, I'd like to give a big thank you to our sponsors. Without their support, this event wouldn't be possible. Thank you also to the organizing committee and all the volunteers who have worked hard to make this event happen.

And of course, a big thank you to all the parents and guardians who have brought their children here today. We know that it takes a lot of effort to raise happy and healthy kids, so we appreciate your support.

This year's annual function is going to be extra special because we have some very special guests with us. We have two guest speakers who will be sharing their wisdom with us today, so please give them a warm welcome when they come on stage.

We also have some fun activities planned for the kids, so I'm sure they're going to have a great time. So without further ado, let's get started!

Introduction of Guests and Speakers

The Kindergarten Annual function is a special event where students, teachers, and parents come together to celebrate the year's accomplishments. It is also an opportunity to introduce special guests and speakers who have been invited to participate in the event.

When introducing guests and speakers, it is important to be clear and concise. Be sure to pronounce each name correctly and provide any necessary titles or credentials. It is also helpful to provide a brief explanation of why the guest or speaker has been invited to participate in the event.

For example, you might say, "We are pleased to welcome Ms. Jane Smith, who will be sharing her expertise on early childhood education with us today."

Thank you for taking the time to introduce our guests and speakers!

Performance and Cultural Programs

It's that time of year again! The kindergarten annual function is just around the corner and we are busy preparing the anchor script.

As always, we want the program to be enjoyable and educational for the children, while also showcasing their talents to parents and other guests.

This year, we have a range of performance and cultural programs lined up. The children will sing songs, recite poems, dance, and act out skits. They will also be displaying their artworks and handicrafts.

We are confident that the children will put on a great show and everyone will have a wonderful time.

Games and Activities for Children

There are a number of games and activities that can be enjoyed by children at a kindergarten annual function. These include classic party games such as musical chairs and pass the parcel, as well as more active games such as Simon Says and tag.

Whatever games are played, it is important to ensure that all children are included and have a good time. Encouraging lots of laughter and cheering will help to create a fun and festive atmosphere for everyone to enjoy.

Awards Ceremony

The Kindergarten Annual Awards Ceremony is a time to celebrate the achievements of our students. This year, we are proud to award the following students:

-Student of the Year: Sarah Smith

-Most Improved Student: Mark Johnson

- perfect Attendance: Timmy Nguyen

We would also like to take this opportunity to thank all of the teachers and staff who have helped our students grow and learn. We could not do it without you!

Closing Remarks by Host

Thank you everyone for coming today. It has been a pleasure having you all here. I would like to give a special thanks to our kindergarten students for their hard work in preparing for this annual function. They have worked very hard and I am sure they will continue to do so in the future. I hope you all have a great day and enjoy the rest of the show.

Vote of Thanks

A big thank you to everyone who made our Kindergarten Annual Function such a success! Thank you to our amazing teachers who worked tirelessly to prepare the students for their performances, and to the parents and families who supported us throughout the event. We are truly grateful for your contribution.


It has been an absolute delight to be with all of you today at the Kindergarten Annual Function. We hope that you have had a wonderful time and that the performances were something to remember for many years to come. Let us take this opportunity to thank every single person who made this event possible, from the students and teachers, to our guests and parents. Thank you everyone for your support!

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