explain fifth generation of computer

Fifth generation of  computer

It was thought in early 90s that a new generation computer will emerge which will have an radically different from Von Neumann architecture. The goal was to have a machine which will allow specification oriented programming and incorporate artificial

intelligence features. Initiatives were taken in various countries led by Japan and followed by UK, Europe, USA and India. However, there was no revolutionary architectural change.

The major outcomes of these efforts was the emergence of a variety of parallel computers using several hundred and thousand processors.

Meanwhile the relentless increase in number of transistors which could be placed in a single chip went on. This led to changes in processor architecture. Primarily the idea was to use several ALUs and on-chip memory to implement instruction level parallelism. In other words, the programmers model of a processor did not change but compilers improved to extract as of parallelism as possible from sequential programs and schedule parallel operations on several ALUs in the chip. A processor architecture called Very large Instruction Word

(VLIW) processor with an instruction size of' 128 to 256 bits and which can execute several parallel instructions emerged. Intel's new generation processor called Itanium uses this idea. 

The other important development is the rapid increase in the bandwidth of networks and consequently the Internet. A number of computer environments which use 'several computers connected to the Internet have emerged. Grid computing, cloud computing and utility computing are some important developments. 

Another trend which is significant is mobility which meets user's demand for any time any place access to data and processing. This is being met by the emergence of wireless enabled processor chips (e.g., Centrino of Intel) which are used in laptop and hand held The other major trend is the demand for multimedia allowing users to use simple graphical user interfaces, listen to good quality audio and video in their desktop and mobile computers.

Advantage :

They can be fixed more easily.
Technology has advanced for parallel processing.
These computers can be moved around easily and are portable.
In comparison to other generations, the fifth is significantly faster.
There has been progress in superconductor technology.
In comparison to prior generations, they are considerably smaller in size.
In these machines, true artificial intelligence is still being developed.


Fear of losing your work to automation.
Fifth-generation computers have the potential to be utilised for eavesdropping on individuals.
It takes a lot of effort and time to develop AI with intellect comparable to that of humans.
concerns about the use of technology for spying by powerful organisations and governments.


- The newest and most sophisticated kind of computers are these ones.
- Their primary objective is to build artificially intelligent devices that can organise and learn on their own.
- ULSI technology, optical fibre circuits, magnetically enabled chips, and parallel processing systems are among the features.
- High-level programming languages are used by them to carry out operations like image recognition and natural language processing.
- In comparison to earlier generations of computers, benefits include being lighter, faster, and smaller in size.
- Inconveniences include concerns that AI will replace occupations and be used for espionage, the challenge of building human-like intelligence into robots, etc.


Md Ashraf

'KNOWLEDGE WITH ASHRAF' is the platform where you find all the type of knowledge especially on programming based. Our goal is to give you a deeper grasp of technology in specifics that will help you increase your knowledge.

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