There are six fundamental Right 0f Indian constitutional Are:-
RIGHT TO EQUALITY:- Right to equality(Article 14 to 18) prohibits the inequality on the basis of caste, religion, place or birth, race and Gender. It ensure equal right for all citizens.
RIGHT TO FREEDOM:- These right (Article 19,20,21A,22) are freedom of speech, freedom of speech, freedom of expression, freedom of Movement, throughout the territory of our country. freedom to practice any profession. freedom to reside in any part of the country.
RIGHT AGAINST EXPLORATION:- Right against Exploration(Article 23 and 24) condemns human trafficking. child labour, forced labour making it an offense punishable by law.
RIGHT TO FREEDOM OF RELIGION:- (Article 25 to 28) It guarantees religious freedom and ensure secular state in India. All people have freedom of conscience and right to preach ,practice and propagate any religion of their choice.
CULTURAL AND EDUCATIONAL RIGHT:- (Article 29 and 30) cultural, religions, and linguistic minorities by enabling them to conserve their heritage and protecting them against discrimination. Educational right ensure education for everyone irrespective of their caste, gender, religion etc.
RIGHT TO CONSTITUTIONAL REMEDIES:- Right to constitutional remedies (Article 32 to 35) empower the citizen to move to a court of law in case of any denial of the fundamental rights.
social science