Explain Scope Resolution operator in C++

Scope Resolution operator in C++ :-


Visibility or availability of a variable in a program is called as scope. There are two types of scope. i) Local scope ii) Global scope.

Local scope:- visibility of a variable is local to the function in which it is declared.

Global scope:- visibility of a variable to all functions of a program.

Scope resolution operator in "::"
This is used to access global variables if same variables are declared as local and global .


int a=5;
void main()
cout<<"Local a="<<endl;
cout<<"Global a="<<endl;

Class scope:-
Scope resolution operator(::) is used to define a function outside a class.


class sample
void output(); 
class void sample::output()
cout<<"Function defined outside the class:/n";
int main()
sample obj;
return 0;
Function defined outside the class.

Write a program to find area of rectangle using scope resolution operator.

class rectangle
int L,B;
void get_data();
void area();
void rectangle::get_data()
cout<<"Enter Length of rectangle";
cout<<"Enter breadth of rectangle";
int rectangle::area()
return L*B;
int main()
rectangle r;
cout<<"Area of rectangle is"<<r.area();
return 0;

Enter Length of rectangle 12
Enter Breadth of rectangle 12
Area of rectangle is 144

Hope this is helpful to you.

Md Ashraf

'KNOWLEDGE WITH ASHRAF' is the platform where you find all the type of knowledge especially on programming based. Our goal is to give you a deeper grasp of technology in specifics that will help you increase your knowledge.

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